Establishing Compassion: How to Cultivate a More Sympathetic Society

Establishing Compassion: How to Cultivate a More Sympathetic Society


Compassion plays a vital role in cultivating a more sympathetic society. It enables us to connect with others on a profound level, recognize and value their encounters, viewpoints, and emotions. Compassion empowers us to address conflicts, build relationships, and promote social unity. In this article, we will explore the significance of compassion and provide practical instances of how we can nurture it within ourselves and society.

1. The Influence of Narration

Narratives possess the extraordinary capability to foster compassion by promoting understanding and emotional bonds. Research carried out by psychologists Robb Willer and Matthew Feinberg has demonstrated that exposure to narratives that humanize marginalized groups can effectively diminish prejudice. By shedding light on diverse encounters through genuine storytelling, compassion is nurtured, and biases are questioned.

For example, « The Hate U Give » by Angie Thomas confronts the issue of racial injustice through the perspective of a young African American girl. The book and its subsequent film adaptation have triggered discussions and increased compassion among individuals from various backgrounds. By presenting a realistic depiction of systemic racism, it compels readers and viewers to step into the shoes of the protagonist, fostering compassion and understanding.

2. The Role of Education

Placing emphasis on compassion in educational environments can significantly contribute to the development of a more sympathetic society. Educators hold the responsibility to educate students about compassion, sow the seeds of benevolence, and create a secure space for students to explore different viewpoints.

A notable example is the Roots of Empathy program developed by educator Mary Gordon. This program brings infants and their parents into classrooms to promote compassion and emotional intelligence in children. Through observing and interacting with the baby, students learn to identify and understand emotions, fostering compassion and empathy. This program, based on evidence, has been implemented in countless schools worldwide, nurturing compassion from an early age and planting the seeds for a more sympathetic society.

3. Compassion in Conflict Resolution

Compassion plays a pivotal role in resolving conflicts peacefully, allowing for constructive dialogue and reconciliation. Sarah Peyton, author of « Your Resonant Self, » highlights the importance of empathetic dialogue in addressing conflicts. By encouraging individuals to genuinely listen and comprehend each other’s emotions and needs, compassion becomes a catalyst for transformative conversations.

An example of compassion in conflict resolution is the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in South Africa. Through open dialogue and public hearings, the TRC enabled victims and perpetrators of apartheid-era human rights violations to share their stories. By acknowledging the suffering of victims and providing a platform for healing, compassion played a crucial role in the country’s transition to a more united and sympathetic society.


Establishing compassion is crucial for nurturing a more sympathetic society. Through the influence of narration, education, and conflict resolution, we can cultivate compassion within ourselves and extend it to others. Angie Thomas’ « The Hate U Give » exemplifies how storytelling can challenge biases and promote compassion, while the Roots of Empathy program showcases the impact of compassion education in schools. Additionally, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa demonstrates how compassion can facilitate healing and reconciliation after periods of conflict. By nurturing compassion, we can forge a society that values sympathy and benevolence.

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